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The government has shared a comprehensive plan for relief in electricity bills with the IMF

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ISLAMABAD The government has participated a comprehensive plan for relief in electricity bills with the IMF, a plan to give relief to consumers of over to 400 units is under consideration.

According to the sources, under the plan, the offer to increase the introductory unit of electricity in a phased manner while easing the payment of electricity bills has also been handed to the IMF. Under the proposed plan, it's proposed to allow each consumer to pay their electricity bill in inaugurations, if the IMF agrees, the agreement may be for two months.


Electricity bills will have to be paid whatever they come, IMF's blunt answer Sources say that a plan has been prepared to collect plutocrat for the relief of 250 billion rupees by stopping electricity theft, the Ministry of Finance will give a written guarantee to take the bills of August and September in inaugurations.


Where will the target of duty on electricity rate reduction be met? The IMF asked for a plan According to the sources of the Ministry of Finance, an action plan is being prepared to help the theft of electricity in an exigency, a plan to give relief to the druggies of over to 400 units of electricity is under consideration.

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